SF - Schedule of Fire
SF stands for Schedule of Fire
Here you will find, what does SF stand for in Military under Military category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Schedule of Fire? Schedule of Fire can be abbreviated as SF What does SF stand for? SF stands for Schedule of Fire. What does Schedule of Fire mean?Schedule of Fire is an expansion of SF
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Alternative definitions of SF
- San Francisco 49Ers
- Suomi Finland
- Surface Features
- Store And Forward
- Superframe
- Single Family
- San Francisco
- San Francisco
View 368 other definitions of SF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- ST Schedule of Targets
- SM Scheduling and Movement
- SMC Scheduling and Movement Capability
- SM Scheme of Maneuver
- STI Scientific and Technical Intelligence
- S Screen
- SG Screening Group
- S Scribing
- SCD S-Curve Distortion
- SD S-Day
- SALT Sea-Air-Land Team
- SA Sea Areas
- SB Sea Barge
- S Seabasing
- SF Seaborne Forces
- SCO Sea Control Operations
- SE Sea Echelon
- SEA Sea Echelon Area
- SEP Sea Echelon Plan
- SF Sea Frontier